Wednesday, November 4, 2009

School Week 13

This post is a little late, but better late than never :) This week we are rowing the book Ox Cart Man. It is not a FIAR book but it is a Caldecott winner and I found a lapbook for it on, so I decided to added to our book list! I'm glad I did because the kids and I are really enjoying this book, so simple yet so many lessons!

Soc Stu: Geography:New England, Then & Now...
Language Arts: Comprehension & discussion...
Science: Farmers market, farm animals, maple sugaring...
There is so much in this book we could spend two weeks on it, we won't! However this is a book that I would not mind re rowing in the future, we could get so much more out of this book!!!

X5 is doing a The Very Hungry Caterpillar mini lapbook.

We've been starting school after 1 o'clock all this week. Normally this would not work, but for some reason this week it is. The kids are all feeling much better, however I'm still a little under the weather, I take some cold meds in the morning and after lunch I'm all ready to go and so are the kids! We had no piano lessons this week and that helped as well. I think Thursday will be our last day of doing it this way since Friday we have Coop at 1 o'clock.