Monday, November 2, 2009

It Was the Best Weekend, It Was the Worst Weekend

The title pretty much describes how our weekend went. First the good, Halloween! Nina and Grandpa coming over to visit the kids for Halloween. Cool costumes, lots of candy, light the night at the Church, hot chocolate, all good!!

Now the not so good. First X5 getting a fever two hours before trick o treating, had to drug him up(Tylenol & Motrin) so he would be good to go... we only trick o treated for an hour, 6 to 7.
The next day A7 got a fever, more meds! No Coop for them on Friday, I still had to go since I was teaching a class, which got canceled for something way better.

Now here is where is gets really not so good, on Saturday I got sick, no fever thank God, although my Dh thinks I did have a temperature... just a chest cold, lots of coughing, sinus, body hurting, no energy. This really sucks on a normal weekend, when you have company it double sucks!!!
I got to go to Church on Sunday to welcome our new interim pastor. They prayed for A7 & X5 although lots of Moms were panicky that the kids had the flu, the bad one!! I assured them they did not.

The kids are all feeling better, thank God! No more fever just cold and cough, been giving them cold and cough meds. As for me, feeling much better, been taking head and chest decongestant meds... as for school...

I thank God for the way He has lead me to plan our homeschool. One book a week, lessons from that book for the whole week, math the same way. Which means that we have a whole week to get things done, which means if we don't get a lot done on Monday we have the rest of the week to do it!!!

I decided to start school after lunch today, give our bodies time to feel better, let the meds do their job. We'll get done as much as we get done today, we have a whole week to do this, no worries!!

Let me leave you with some Halloween pics of the kids!!!

Asoka Tano and Captain Rex!

Dh is dressed as Legolas and I'm dressed as a Doctor!
Kids and a friend dressed as Wolverine!!!!