Saturday, November 5, 2011

Baby Bunnies Update

We started with six baby bunnies, we are now down to two... I think the fact that the mom is still so young(six months), we think she did not have enough milk for all of them so only the strongest ones were able to get any... as of right now the light color bunny seems to be the strongest because he is well fed, the grey one is a bit weaker.  I took them to the vet and she was not very optimistic about their chances... She gave me some food and showed me how to feed them and I have been doing that... They are both hanging in there... let's just say we are praying these bunnies to health!  The male papa is getting fixed on the 11th, and the mom as soon as she is done nursing... which maybe be sooner that I want her to...
I don't think I can go through this again... but the babies are the cutest things I have ever seen!!