Last on the organizing list was my linen closet. This proved to be my most difficult project to date. I have tried to organize this thing before and was never very successful.
I tried to follow the advice of this organizing book that I had recently purchased, Organize Now!: A Week-by-Week Guide to Simplify Your Space and Your Life by Jennifer Berry. Linen closet is on week 39 but I wasn't going to wait that long! Btw this book is excellent!!!
She writes that you really only need two sets of sheets per bed, three if you have a flannel set for winter. Needles to say I have more than three sets. The kids' bed have four sets ea plus two flannel sets ea. I also have extra sets for guest's beds. That's a lot of sheet sets!! Plus blankets and pillows, again for guests. I have a lot of our winter stuff in space bags but that still did not create enough room for everything.
Linen closetCoat closet
A9's door (found them at Target for $2.50)
X7's door
Bathroom door
My bedroom door
Basement door
I'm so happy that we were able to do everything I wanted to get done before school starts this past weekend. We have one more week of summer vacation!!!!