Sunday, July 12, 2009

July is going so fast!

I can't believe is it almost the middle of July, my birthday is almost here! Got a lot done this past week..Wonder Woman lives!!!! I hadn't been her in a while, but she was back!
Got so much cleaning done, threw lots of stuff out(my favorite way to clean), By the end of the week I had nothing to do...well, there's plenty still to do just didn't want to do it!!!

The Grandparents are coming this week so I won't be blogging much. Hopefully we'll be going to the pool before they get here. Went to see Transformers finally!! it was great! loved it!
This coming week Half Blood Prince is coming out and since the grandparents will be here by then we have our sitters!! Thank you Nina and Grandpa!

That is all for now!