Every year at the end of the Club year, we take the kids to a Camp out. This year we went to Cove Valley camp. We had around 40 kids and 20 adults helping out.
I'm so thankful that so many adults decided to come and help with the kids. We pretty much knew where each kid was at all times, nobody got hurt, although there were a few scrapes here and there.
This was A7 and X4s first time going camping. By the time Saturday evening came around they were both exhausted! They both took a nice nap on Saturday. We had a great time, the weather was gorgeous and the pool was freezing! Didn't keep us from swimming thought!
The food was delicious, we had pancakes, sausages, eggs and bacon for breakfast. For lunch we had spaghetti, sloppy joes, soup and for dinner we had baked chicken breast and mashed potatoes and mac and cheese! There was more than enough food for all and we even had seconds every time!! I'm sure no food was wasted!
On Saturday night we had s'mores, I wasn't around for that...one of my children was taking a nap at the time. The cabins were very nice, they had heat/ac, bathrooms with showers and a nice long table in the middle of the cabin. Next year, if we do this again we are going back to Cove Valley for our Camp out!!
This Wednesday is the 4-5yr olds picnic. Since the camp out is only for kids 1st thru 6th grade we always have a picnic for the little ones as a way of saying thank you for coming to Clubs.
After this Wednesday we are done with Clubs for the summer!! All of the leaders and helpers so need the break!! See you back in September kids!!!!