Thursday, April 16, 2009

Break's Over

I can't believe it is the middle of April already. Easter break was so nice, the kids got to spend time with the grandparents, I got to spend time reading...books, blogs, magazines... you name it, I read it!
I also had time to listen to some podcast I had downloaded from itunes. I've been listening to Mark Driscoll, Matt Chandler and John Piper.

Mark Driscoll has this awesome sermon on 1Peter 3:7, if you have itunes and you're married, you need to download it(you can download the audio or video sermon) you will not be disappointed!

Easter is a great time to just stop and think, or meditate rather on everything that God is, on what Jesus did and what that means for us.
I read somewhere that Dr. James Dobson, (you know him from Focus on the Family) said something about losing the battle when Obama won(he later said that's not really what he meant). I find it weird that he said this right after we celebrated the greatest day on the believers calendar, Easter. Resurrection. The day Jesus won over death.

I think Focus in the family has it backwards, we cannot try to make this world worthy of God. Moses tried that back in the day with Israel and he failed, time after time he failed. Jesus wants to transform people's hearts. That's where we need to start, in your heart.

After Iowa's Supreme Court legalized gay marriage I read a comment somebody made that was directed at believers. "Face it, you lost".

Face it, you lost... I remember thinking to myself.."is that what they think we are doing this win? Do they think we see this as defeat. We lost." I started thinking about Jesus, what He did on the cross, dying for our sins. I thought to myself and maybe it was the Holy Spirit empowering me to really understand what is going on here. We haven't lost, we already WON!
Because of the victory of Jesus on the cross, we can now be in relationship with God again, just like we were in the beginning, you know Adam and Eve. Before Eve ate what she shouldn't have eaten, she and her husband enjoyed a close relationship with God. Once she sinned against Him that was broken. The only way we could be close to Him again was through sacrifices, lots of them. And even that didn't last long.

But now because of Jesus we can have that close relationship once again. Not only that but Jesus said that we will live forever with Him and His Father in a place he is preparing for us right as we speak!
We are not trying to change the world because we think we are better than everybody else or because we are somehow more righteous that you...only Jesus can do that and He will! We are not trying to get people to stop listening to rock & roll, stop drinking or smoking or wear suits and skirts.

Here's the deal, we haven't lost anything...we won because Jesus won. This world is not going to last. Is not going to get better, it's going to get worse. We know this because God's word says it is. What would be the point in trying to make this world better when Jesus himself told us is not happening till He gets back and sets everything right again?

We haven't lost, you are the one who is lost. We are trying to point that out to you. You're lost!
You need a savior because sin is killing you and you cannot save yourself. The stars are not going to save you, the sun is not going to save you... not even Oprah is going to save you.

Only Jesus can do that. There are not many different paths to Heaven and God. There is only one way and that is through Jesus, that's what the Bible says and that's what I believe!

For the person who made the comment, face it you lost. You have no idea what you are saying, and I'll be praying for you to come to the Truth.