After the death of our beloved hamster Cookie we decided to take some time and see if we wanted to get another hamster or not... after months of going to Pet stores and looking at hamsters and not really connecting with any of them I am happy to say this past weekend all that changed!
After A8's Performathon we went to Pet Smart just to "look", we found these Robo hamsters, they are supposed to be the smallest hamsters out there. Well, we fell in love, or rather DH fell in love!
We got all of our old hamster stuff out, made sure we had everything we needed. However, after researching all about robo hamsters we relized we couldn't use our old cage because robos are too small for them, they can easily get out, so we needed a fish tank instead. Lucky for us a coworker of Dh's gave us a free one last year!!
We got a new wheel for it and some things for the hamster to climb on and we were ready for a new hamster!
We got her yesterday and named her Snickerdoodles!!! She is the cutest thing, so tiny and fast..