I have a problem with lying. I don't like doing it. It wasn't always this way. When I was younger I could lie with the best of them, until the day I got caught in a lie. It was not fun. I was 10yo at the time. Ever since that day I've had a real problem with lying.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not some holier than thou person, there are plenty of things that I do that I should have a problem with and I don't!(spending too much money, being rude to kids who are mean to my kids, eating my kids' Halloween candy...)
Which brings me to the subject of Santa Claus. Now, I don't know about you but I never believed in Santa. Sure it was fun to sing about him and pretend he was real, but I always knew it was my parents or rather grandparents who got us the gifts, not Santa. It did not spoil anything for me. I still enjoyed the Christmas "magic", even though I knew the truth.
I heard a Mom, a Christian Mom, complaining that some 6yo boy told her 4yo girl that Santa was not real. She went on to criticize the parents of the boy for telling their son the truth and spoiling it for the rest of the kids who still believed the in "magic" of Santa. According to this woman, her daughter went on to tell this boy that he was wrong and that she was right, Santa is real. The mother was very proud of the way her daughter stood up to this kid.
Does anybody else see something wrong with this picture?!?!?!
This little girl is "standing up" for her beliefs, her FALSE beliefs and her mother is proud of that. She thinks the boy is wrong when in fact he is being more honest with her than her own Mother!! I wonder if when this little girl finally learns there is no Santa her mom will tell her to go apologize to the boy who told her the truth all those years ago. Because she should!!
My daughter knows Santa is not real(remember my problem with lying), we still sing Santa songs, watch Santa movies, and read Santa books. We have fun with Santa but she knows that Santa is a fairy tale just like Cinderella or the Easter bunny. It hasn't spoiled her Christmas, the magic is still there! More importantly, the day somebody tells her there is no God, she'll know she can come to me and I will tell her the TRUTH!
It's too bad that the birth of our Savior is not "magic" enough for our kids.
Maybe this is something I should really have a problem with!
Ok, I'm done ranting...go back to your shopping!!
Merry Christmas!