Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Bunny Update

Too many things have happened since I last posted about our bunnies!  Momma bunny was pregnant again, she weaned Piggy at 4 weeks and started to get a nest ready for the next litter. Piggy and Fuzzball were able to bond since Momma did not want Piggy anywhere near her of the new nest.  I was a bit worried about Piggy having been weaned so early so I took her to the vet and Fuzzball as well.  No worries, Momma gave Piggy all she needed!  BTW, Cocoa has been fixed, so no more babies!  It's been 4 weeks today, so I guess it's safe for them to be together again.

Remember them??
Look at them now! btw, we are keeping them! Fuzzball is my miracle bunny and I just can't let him go and Dh is absolutely in love with Piggy!!!  
Mom and Dad will be going back outside once it gets warm again, they always enjoyed being in their rabbit hutch, Piggy and Fuzzball are staying inside!  I do not want to have them all over my basement however because of our dogs so we started to do some research about how to take care of inside bunnies.

I purchased the book The House Rabbit handbook and in it, it mentions bunny condos.  I went to the website to find out more about it. It has a video showing you step by step how to build them.

So we did it! We bought the materials and went to it! here is a our new Rabbit Condo!

What we had after day 2, waiting for the two shelves to stick.
Condo complete! All we need now is a rabbit!
There he is, Cocoa in his new home.. for now. This condo is going to be for Piggy and Fuzzball, but for now it will be shared by Cocoa and Coconut.  Once the babies are all grown and gone she will be in there with him!  We had to put towels underneath so the babies will not go under it. 

Speaking of babies, here are some pics of the new litter of babies, she had 8 but the runt died early on, now there are 7 left and they are all deliciously cute!!  It is almost impossible to take pics of them since they are ALWAYS moving around, and beleive me, these pics do NOT do them justice, they are way cuter in person!
Momma and one of her clones!! ha ha!! there's 3 tan ones just like Mom.
The nest is on the left, ever since they opened their eyes they are everywhere BUT in there. They take their naps under the desk instead of inside the nest... I guess when it is chow time they all come out and she feeds them.

There they all are! Three tan ones, (the other tan one is with Momma) three black ones, and a white one!