What an incredible time we had over the weekend, the long weekend! First we went to Mom's for Thanksgiving. All that food! It was delicious, turkey, rice, mash potatoes, pork shoulder... desserts!
All my family was there including Francis and Jonathan, new additions to our family, or should I say old additions!! The kids had a great time with their Titis and Tios, cousins, Abuelo and Abuela and of course Grandma! We also got to see cousin Leo and Azzie's baby girl Isabel!!I got to hold her!!!All in all we had a wonderful time visiting with family and old friends, we got home around 10. Then off to bed for me to get ready for black Friday. I got up at 3am, hoping to get to Walmart before 4am to grab one of those $198 laptops... no such luck, by the time I got there they were ALL gone. The tickets had been given out.... my sisters and Mom were going for the same laptop. They were in line since 12am.. ALL night. At least they all got them!!
Don't feel sorry for me, we did get our laptop, we just had to pay $30 more for it online, but we got it! Now we can give our old laptop to A7 for school, yes she already has a desktop computer, but she wanted a real laptop and now she has one, old and slow but she has one! I did get to buy everything else I wanted during black Friday, jump drives, sd card for the camera, lots of batteries and a new router, we had the G now we have the N!! didn't spend too much money which is always good, kinda the point... you know!!
We decorated the tree later that day, well the kids did, I was in la la land for a while :) on Saturday Dh decorated the front of the house, lights, little snowmen, all looks good!Then on Advent Sunday we stayed up to watch the Steelers game, it went into over time just like last week ans just like last week we lost!!!! Stayed up for nothing!!!!!
The kids have no school today because ps kids are off today, we start school on Tuesday.