Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Webkinzs have invaded our home!
It's been impossible to post anything on the blog because my computer's been busy playing webkinz :)

It all started last Friday during COOP, a lot of the kids brought their webkinz for show and tell.
Some of them had more than one, a few had 4 and 5 of these things.

I decided to investigate, was this another beanie baby craze??

It turns out your webkinz can be adopted online, then you have an online alter ego of your webkinz and he comes with a room which you can furnish, and if you earn enough money you can buy lots of other rooms and furnish them and so on. The trick is to get as much money as possible. You do this by playing games, answering trivia and doing daily activities that earn you money on webkinz land. The more webkinz you have the more rooms and money you get which is why some of my neighbor kids have anywhere from 4 to 9 webkinz. Also, you have to go to special places to buy them, you can't just go to Walmart and get them.

A6 was having a little friend coming over on Saturday for the whole day, and the little girls' Mom gave me their webkinz password so that the girls could play it. Dh and I decided to get her and X3 a webkinz of their own.
Well ... mommy and daddy had so much fun getting everything set up for the kids that we decided to get our own webkinz!!
Let's just say I can see now why one webkinz is not enough. A6 bought a second one, spending her own money, (A6 never spends her own money) mommy and daddy also got a second one!
X3 can only handle playing with one for now, I'm sure that will change!

If you don't hear from me for a while, you know what I'm doing!!