Sunday, January 13, 2008

Owl Moon

This week we are rowing Owl Moon, a wonderful book about a little girl and her daddy going out at night searching for owls.
The story takes place in a wooded area near their farm house, in a northern area of the country.
Since the book doesn't say what town or state the story is set in, I'm going to go with Pa.
We have snowy woods here, we have farm houses here and we have owls!
A5 has been wanting to learn more about Pennsylvania so here's my chance!
I'm going to keep it simple.
I'll let her color the flag, show her where Pa is located in a US map and show her where the US is located in a world map.
That'll take care of geography.
For art I'll let her color some owl coloring pages and I'm sure she'll want to draw one as well.

For science I downloaded 5 video clips of owls with their babies, in their nest and just hanging out.
I would also like to talk about the moon and the different moon phases, if we have time.

We can always row this book again next year and talk about the moon then.
As usual we have her reading, writing and math rounding up the week!