Sunday, January 20, 2008

A New Coat for Anna

This week we are rowing A New Coat for Anna. It is the story of a little girl who needs a new winter coat. Her Mother thinks of a very unusual way to get the new winter coat. It's really interesting to see how a wool coat gets made, at least back then.
The story takes place right after World War II.
It is set somewhere in Europe.
So A5, soon to be A6 will be learning about Europe!
I don't think I'll talk about the war as much, other than to point out why the Mom had no money. When we row this book again in the future I'll get into that a bit more. We'll also talk about bartering, Anna's mom has to trade things in order to get the coat made.
As for science, we could talk about wool and sheeps, dyes... stuff like that.

Speaking of wool, I used my wool coat for the first time this morning. It was 10° this morning and windy, it is 15° right now. Dh took the garbage out as soon as we got home from Church, that way he won't have to go out there tonight in the COLD.
I bought some suet for the birds, the fat should help them stay warm in the next few days.

A5 soon to be A6's birthday is this week, I probably won't be posting as much this week because of it!