Sunday, January 27, 2008

Little Nino's Pizzeria

This week we are rowing Little Nino's Pizzeria.
The book is about a little boy who loves to help his Dad at their small family restaurant, but everything changes when they move to a fancier place.

The are so many cool activities to do along with this book. I'm thinking we could make a pizza using construction paper, different color paper for the different toppings!! Then we could make a real pizza from scratch. The book also talks about feeding the homeless which is a great lesson for young kids to learn.

I'm going to take a break from Reading Made Easy. We hit a rough spot, she's having difficulty with the i sounds, so I decided to take the next week or two and just review what she's learned so far. Maybe do sentences from the books we are rowing and then go back to where we left off.

That's the great thing about homeschooling, if somethings not working you can put it aside and do something else!