Another late post... This week started with Dh complaining that his foot was hurting, by the time he usually goes to work his foot was in A LOT of pain so I told him to go to the ER instead to see what was going on. It was no broken but probably a sprain... So he took lots of Motrin and went to work and stayed in his office all day!
A10 finished the book The School Mouse and started Charlotte's Web. X7 rowed the book Daniel's Duck, he loved it!
We got some new readers for X7 and he is really enjoying them! he finished Explode the Code 1 1/2 and started book 2!
Both kids got to do a diorama for their Co op class, however I forgot to take any pictures of them. Silly, silly me.. I'm feeling awful about this, I always take pics of stuff like this.. SIGH... I have a lot of pics to post but for some reason I keep forgetting to bring the camera downstairs...
We are having a Co op meeting on March 2nd. A planning for next year meeting and I have been working on samples of what we are going to be offering for next year as far as science and history. I created a survey/questionnaire so we know who is in and who is out and to see if anybody has any other class ideas.
This is taking a lot of my time which is way I haven't been working on the blog.... sorry!
Monday, January 30, 2012
School Week 23 2011-2012
Posted by Dampf HomeSchool at 7:17 AM
Labels: Homeschool
Monday, January 23, 2012
School Week 22 2011-2012
This post is late, really late... A10 had a wonderful b-day party on Thursday! On Saturday we got her a small chocolate cake and chocolate ice cream for her to enjoy on her actual b-day, Sunday the 22nd. Well, Saturday night she threw up... we thought it was because of all the cake and ice cream she ate... until Wednesday morning when the boy threw up as well. He didn't have ANY cake or ice cream. They both felt better after vomiting but just in case I put them on a toast and juice diet for the rest of the week.
I came down with a little nausea and put myself on the same diet as them. I thank God there was no vomiting for me but it was not the most pleasant of weeks. We are all fine now, our appetite is back to normal and school is back to normal as well.
I'm trying to remember what books we read during this week... I know A10 read a Ramona book, X7 read the book Warm as Wool. We got our History, Math and Language Lessons done as usual but that was it...
School work got done quickly and the rest of the time was spent resting and working on getting better.. all of us! It could have been A LOT worse and I am thankful that we were speared!
Posted by Dampf HomeSchool at 7:15 AM
Labels: Homeschool
Monday, January 16, 2012
School Week 21 2011-2012
This week we have a four day school week since we are celebrating A9's birthday on Thursday! We are going to Monkey Joe's. I've never been there but both kids have and they love it! We will be going around mid morning and staying till lunch time. My baby girl is going to be 10 years old!!
A9 soon to be A10 is going to be reading a Ramona book this week, I'm giving her a little break this week, so she got to pick which book she wanted to read!
X7 is rowing the book Very Last First Time.
Co op went very well last week, they seemed to enjoy health class and we had tons to do for history!
We have homework again so school will probably go a little longer than it has in the last two week... which is fine!
I'll be posting pics of the birthday party later in the week!
Posted by Dampf HomeSchool at 7:03 AM
Labels: Homeschool
Monday, January 9, 2012
School Week 20 2011-2012
This week both kids are reading co op book selections, A9 is reading Babe: The Gallant Pig and X7 is reading The Drinking Gourd: A Story of the Underground Railroad. We are back to a full load this week! We really miss science but the kids are enjoying history. Also, the days are not as long since science used to take over an hour every day and history's only taking us 15 - 20 minutes.
A9 finished the 5th Harry Potter book, she is now reading the 2nd Percy Jackson book then she'll be reading book 6 Half Blood Prince. I told her after she is done with book 6 she can go ahead and read book 7. I'm hoping after reading all Harry Potter and Percy Jackson books, she'll get into Artemis Fowl!! or maybe 39 Clues... we'll see!
Co op starts up this Friday as well.
Posted by Dampf HomeSchool at 7:14 AM
Labels: Homeschool
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
School Week 19 2011-2012
Holidays are over and it is time to start our 2nd semester of the school year. As usual I change things around a bit, January and February are hard months around here so every little bit helps in making it less blah!! ha ha!!
We are done with science, American history(through reading My America books), and spelling. We are now finally starting world history! We are using Mystery of History Vol 1, which is ancient history. I've had this curriculum since the end of A9's K year. To say I have been looking forward to doing this is an understatement! The great thing is we are also using Mystery of History for our Co op class!
Vol 1 is actually 36 weeks, but we are only going to do half (18 weeks) this semester and the other half next year. Vols 2 & 3 only have 28 weeks, so it will be easier to get them done in a year each.
Each week has three lessons, each lesson is no more than 2 pgs. You can read all three in one day if you wanted to, but I'm not doing it like that, we'll do one lesson a day and on day 4 we'll try to do an activity and any quiz or exercises. On co op day we will go over the quiz (or exercise) any mapping exercises and of course our timeline!
A9 will be starting a new vocabulary curriculum, Vocabulary from Classical Roots 4. She used Worldly Wise last year and enjoyed it, unfortunately book 4 is 20 weeks and I don't want to do 20 weeks of vocabulary. Classical Roots is only 14 weeks.
As far as read alouds, we'll be reading the book Adam and His Kin, this will be a great book to do along side MOH, especially in the beginning. I also want to do Gilgamesh the Hero, and other ancient civ related books. We'll see how far we get.
As far as independent reading, I'm hoping A9 will get to read the Little House books. Again, we'll see how far we get. She is still reading The BFG since she took a break from it last week.
X7 will be rowing the book A Farmer Boy Birthday. He really enjoys the Almanzo books! and of course any books assigned by the co op.
Co op starts again next Friday! So now the kids will have World history instead of science and Health for 7 weeks, after that we go back to art for the last 7 weeks of co op.
Happy New Year everybody, here's hoping we all stay healthy in 2012!!
Posted by Dampf HomeSchool at 7:11 AM
Labels: Homeschool