We have started a new co op term, even though the kids will continue with science and language arts, they will no longer have geography. This term they are starting an arts basics class. There will be no homework for this class which means we will have a little more breathing room during our school day. The kids loved geography and hopefully we will have this class again next year!
For science this week we are doing lesson 7 Rodentia and the Rest. Rodents like squirrels, mice and the rest like platypuses, echidnas and bunnies!! We are going to dissect an owl pellet at co op and see how many rodent bones we can find.
Speaking of bunnies... our bunnies had babies! Yes, we thought we had two males although we never did look under the tan one's "skirt". We knew the black one, Coco was a boy. It happened Halloween night or maybe the night before, we are not sure. I found them on Friday during co op's lunch time. I left my phone at home that morning, since the church is behind my house I decided to walk home to get my phone.. on my way back I went over to say hello to the bunnies when I noticed something right in the middle of their cage... it was a baby bunny and it was dead :( I guess it got separated from the rest of the babies and it was too cold... I have no idea how long it laid there but I picked it up and panicked....
I called Dh and the first thing he told me to do was to get the male out so that he could not get her pregnant again... hopefully we got him out in time!!!! She had six babies in all but the one died. When Dh got home we got the laundry room ready and moved Mom and babies there. We read online that bunnies form very deep bonds and if you separate them for too long they get depressed and trying to reunited them later could be difficult, so we have them in the same room but he is unable to get to her.. they can still nuzzle and stuff but no hanky panky.. ha ha!