Friday, February 27, 2009

Show and Tell Friday

Dancing with the Super Battle Droids

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Three Names

This week we are rowing the book Three Names. It is about a Great Grandfather and his dog Three Names! The great grandfather is telling his great grandson stories about his childhood "a hundred years ago". The kids really like this book, it is a little long but A7 has been reading along with me and that makes it even more fun to read!

Social Studies: prairie land, then & now
Language arts: hyperbole, simile; what are three names' three names?
Science: wildlife on the prairie

This week we start our COOP once again. We'll be doing eight weeks which takes us to the first week in May, that day we will be having a Field day for all the kids!! I will be teaching this time around, something called Lentils, it is science and math for groups 2 & 1. It looks really fun although setup time is a little long.

It's been a busy couple of weeks, haven't had time to post much. We had a great Valentine's Day!
My Hubby made me this wonderful gift. I don't usually post about Valentine gifts because they are personal (when it comes to valentine's gifts I prefer the home made kind rather than chocolates, flowers or jewelry) and I don't always want to share that stuff but I have to post about his gift this year!

He made me a Valentine's Day lapbook! here's a pic!

This is one of the best gifts ever!!!!!!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Show and Tell Friday

Hold On!!!!!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

A Shirt I would Consider Buying

To get the full story Go Here.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Warm as Wool

This week we are rowing the book Warm as Wool. This story is set in 1803 Ohio, a pioneer mother has a plan to keep her children warm: it starts with sheep purchased with coins she'd been saving from her former days in Connecticut.

Geography: Ohio & Conneticut, Pioneer life
Language Arts: Sequence of events
Art: drawing sheep & log cabin
Math: math cards
Science: sheep, animal groups

Lapbook will be posted later...

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Piano Recital

Today was A7s very first piano recital! She was the first one to play, the recital lasted about an hour and 20 minutes. I was able to record it using my camera. It's not the best, but good enough. She looked absolutely beautiful! and played pretty good!


Friday, February 13, 2009

Show and Tell Friday

Drop Dooku...

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Another Celebrated Dancing Bear

This week we are rowing the book Another Celebrated Dancing Bear. It is the story of two bear friends who happen to live in Russia. They also like to drink a lot of tea! One of them is a dancer, the other an animal doctor, but he dreams of being a dancer like his friend!
I really enjoyed this book, it is a wonderful story, the kids were not as moved by it as I was.
It's a good thing we are only doing this book for half the week. The lapbook was pretty simple and we were able to finish it today. On Thursday and Friday we'll be reading Valentine day books and doing valentine day activities.

Geography: Russia, Russia is known for...
Language Arts: drama cards
Science: boiling point, freezing point of water.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Show and Tell Friday

You shall not pass!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

{Almost} Wordless Wednesday

Snow Tracks

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Sick Days

I've been sick since Saturday and getting worse by the day, I can't breathe, my throat burns every time I swallow anything and sinus pressure every time I try to breathe through my nose.
I did enjoy the Super Bowl!! Go Steelers, but I was not able to sleep at all that night.

I canceled school on Monday, was going to cancel it today but then decided to just have A7 do her phonics, copy work and her math, no story time this week because talking hurts too much.
The only reason we went to piano lessons today was because last week it was canceled because of snow and ice and I didn't want to miss it for two weeks in a row.

I've been having lots of soupy stuff and hot chocolate, they feel so good on my throat! I may not go to Clubs tomorrow if I don't start feeling better...Please pray for me!!!